Thursday, June 22, 2006

4)kennel license for vet clinics - from Open Forum

NEW: kennel license for vet clinicskaylor <Send E-Mail> -- Thursday, 22 June 2006, at 6:40 p.m.

Well, it was on the agenda for today's meeting of the Shiawassee County Commissioners
This is pretty sorry and yes, I did start a blog on it........
Yes....selective enforcement and much more
The short version
Sheriff Jon Wilson, Prosecutor Randy Colbry and County Coordinator Margaret McAvoy had a meeting tuesday before the Committee of the Whole meeting. They decided what to do about kennel licensing for veterinary clinics.
1. They will amend the county ordinance and take out the word "treatment". That will exclude veterinary clinics from the kennel license requirement.
2. They wrote up a resolution and had Commissioner Roszman make a motion on it today.
3. Colbry stammered and stuttered, he didn't know how that wording got in there (he wrote it) and he thought they had to have a public hearing before they changed an ordinance, publish and public meeting.
So, they are supposed to publish and have a public hearing at the next Committee of the Whole meeting July 25th (?).
They voted down giving the clinics a kennel license as part of their pay for selling dog licenses. They would rather change the ordinance.
I'm not so sure this is even a legal procedure they are about to be doing.
Those three had a little meeting all on their own? They made up the resolution.
I think that meeting could have been subject to the open meetings act.
Too bad they couldn't do anything like that for an ordinary citizen.
Well, the license fees amount to around $160,000 now.
The vets get paid $3 for each one they sell.

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